Spring into Fitness with a 4-Week Challenge!!!

Spring into Fitness with a 4-Week Challenge!!!
Have you already given up on your New Years goals?
Would you like to have more energy and be more productive?
Do you want to show off the results of your hard work this summer?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then it’s a NO BRAINER to join our challenge!
Fitness Challenge runs from April 29th through May 24th.
Only $39 for Members and $125 for Non-Members
- Entry into challenge
- 4-Weeks of Unlimited Group Classes ($199 Value)
- Nutrition Plan to Maximize Weight Loss ($100)
- Work hands on with a Nutritionist to Help with Customizing a Program that works Specifically for you ($100 per hour value).
- $399 Value for just $125. Limited Time Offer!
Contest Based on Individual Improvement. All fitness levels are welcome.
NOT ONLY will you receive the above from our program, but you’ll also learn what foods work to help burn fat AND have access to Kevin’s knowledge as a nutritionist!
So what’s stopping you?
JOIN OUR FITNESS CHALLENGE NOW! Call or text 858-442-9054